The cRc is proud to announce that starting in 5783, all cRc Restaurants will be fully Pas Yisroel with the exception of franchise establishments (such as Dunkin Donuts, Graeter’s Ice Cream, Rita’s and Cinnaholic). (Please note that the bagels in the cRc-certified Dunkin Donuts are Pas Yisroel.) We thank our certified restaurants for doing their utmost to enhance kashrus for the entire city.
During the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it is the accepted custom to only consume Pas Yisroel products, such as bread, cakes and cookies. In fact, some have this custom year-round, or on Shabbos and Yom Tov (see Mishnah Berurah 242:6). As we approach the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, many consumers turn to the cRc requesting guidance about Pas Yisroel in cRc establishments and certified products. We are proud to present the updated list, located here: Pas Yisroel and Yoshon Information
For a handy downloadable list, click here: Disclosure Statements (Sep 2022)
For a great article on this topic, written by Rabbi Dovid Cohen, the cRc Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator, click here: Pas Yisroel During Aseres Y’mei Teshuvah
Wishing everyone a Happy and Sweet New Year!