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Category: Kosher Certification

Rabbi Sholem Fishbane interviewed by Ami Magazine

Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, cRc Kashrus Administrator, was interviewed by Ami Magazine (July 3, 2024) about the Camp Kashrus Initiative, a project of the Association of Kashrus Organizations (AKO). Camps can avail themselves of a free inspection by a central kashrus organization to assess their status and identify areas for improvement. Read more here: For Camps...

Pesach 2024 With cRc Kosher

March 19, 2024 cRc Kosher is happy to announce that our popular Pesach Page website is now live! You now have access to all the information cRc Kosher has to offer to help you make Pesach, including: Download the full Pesach Guide Download selected Pesach Guide articles Links to selected full articles – including sources...

cRc Kosher Hosts Evening of Appreciation For Mashgichim

The cRc recently celebrated our Mashgichim at a special Melave Malka. This was an opportunity to show recognition and appreciation to the Mashgichim and their families, and a chance for the Mashgichim to get to know each other better, share ideas, and discuss their struggles and solutions to common concerns. Several speakers addressed the group,...

2023 Pesach Guide Now Available

March 17, 2023 The cRc Kosher is happy to announce that our popular Pesach Guide 2023 is now available for free pickup in select Chicagoland stores. It is also available for free download on our dedicated Pesach Page. Our Pesach Guide includes everything you need to prepare for Pesach, including our classic Shopping Guide, Pesach...

New Sefer From Rabbi Dovid Cohen – Animal Products

Rabbi Dovid Cohen, cRc Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator, has published a new sefer, Animal Products. This sefer covers items which come from animals (and birds and insects) that are not fleishig, including yotzeh min hatamei (YD 81), eggs (YD 86), milk and dairy (YD 115). It is available at www.kashrushalacha.com through Lulu or Amazon....

A Bone to Pick with Poultry

Let’s Talk Kashrus Episode 23 Breaking down chicken for the kosher consumer. Join an insightful conversation between Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger and Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, cRc Kashrus Administrator and the Executive Director of AKO. Enjoy the conversation regarding the Kashrus of chickens and broken bones. Click here to watch the video....

Is Keeping Kosher Now Harder Than 50 Years Ago?

November 24, 2022 Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, cRc Kashrus Administrator, recently presented a fascinating shiur in Agudas Yisroel of West Rogers Park titled: Is Keeping Kosher Now Harder Than 50 Years Ago? Click here to watch the shiur: https://crckosher.org/video/is-keeping-kosher-now-harder-than-50-years-ago/...

Kosher Vitamin Efficiency

The Kashrus of Vitamins Part 3 You care for the health of your Neshoma as well as the wellness of your ruchniyus. Join Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator at the cRc Kosher, on The Kashrus Awareness Project as he discusses medicines in Halacha together with R’ Yitzchok Hisiger in this 3-part series.   Click...

A Better Pill to Swallow

The Kashrus of Medicine Capsules Part 2 Never underestimate the Kashrus pitfalls with over the counter medicines. It can really be a tough pill to swallow. Join Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator at the cRc Kosher, on The Kashrus Awareness Project as he discusses medicines in Halacha together with R’ Yitzchok Hisiger in this...

Updated Pas Yisroel Information

The cRc is proud to announce that starting in 5783, all cRc Restaurants will be fully Pas Yisroel with the exception of franchise establishments (such as Dunkin Donuts, Graeter’s Ice Cream, Rita’s and Cinnaholic). (Please note that the bagels in the cRc-certified Dunkin Donuts are Pas Yisroel.) We thank our certified restaurants for doing their...

The Chicago Rabbinical Council

2701 W. Howard St.
Chicago, IL 60645

Phone: (773) 465-3900

General Fax: (773) 465-6632
Kashrus Dept. Fax: (773) 465-6929

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