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Kashrus Community Mourns its 2020 Heroes

From Kosher Today: This was a year of many significant losses of kosher certification personalities with the Covid-19 pandemic claiming many victims. The most recent loss was Rabbi Abe Sharp, longtime Assistant and Business Manager for the Association of Kashrus Organizations and the Chicago Rabbinical Council. He played a major role in organizing many of...

cRc Rabbis Participate in Siyum HaShas

This past Sunday, January 5, 2020, at the Rosemont Theater in Rosemont, IL ,the Chicago community celebrated the 13th completion of the “Daf Yomi” Talmud program.  The Daf Yomi program was founded in 1924 by Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin.  In this program, Jews worldwide study one folio of the Babylonian Talmud  daily until completion...

Chanuka 5780

The cRc held its annual Chanuka party this year on Monday, December 23, 2019.  The event was once again hosted by Arie Crown Hebrew Day School in their  Multi-Purpose Room.  Dinner was catered by Starr Kosher Catering, and supplemented by contributions from the cRc staff.  Among the food provided was potato kugel, potato knishes, salads...

The cRc Remembers Rabbi Benjamin Shandalov

The cRc was saddened to learn of the passing of Rabbi Benjamin Shandalov, of blessed memory. Born in St. Louis, MO, Rabbi Shandalov held many communal leadership positions. He led pulpits in Dallas, TX and Waco, TX. He was the director of Camp Moshava in Wild Rose, WI,  and  was an administrator at the Hebrew...

The Chicago Rabbinical Council

2701 W. Howard St.
Chicago, IL 60645

Phone: (773) 465-3900

General Fax: (773) 465-6632
Kashrus Dept. Fax: (773) 465-6929

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