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Kosherfest 2022 Opens Tuesday November 8th with a World of Innovation

Secaucus, NJ… When Kosherfest 2022 opens at the Meadowlands Convention Center on Tuesday November 8th, there will be a great deal of new and innovative exhibits and events. Almost half of the exhibitors are exhibiting for the first time, adding a new dimension to the industry that goes beyond some of the long-standing established brands....

Kashrus Agencies Move to Further Tighten Safeguards in Restaurants

September 22, 2022 The fallout from what is now known as the Manalapan kashrut scandal continues as some 85 kashrus officials met via Zoom last Wednesday to discuss further safeguards to prevent non-kosher food from getting into kosher restaurants. Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan subsequently had its kosher certification pulled by the OK Kosher Certification...

Kashrus Agencies Face Critical Shortage of Foodservice Mashgichim

Silver Springs, Md…Rabbi Moshe Walter, Executive Director of the Vaad Harabbanim of Greater Washington was scheduled to lead a Zoom seminar this week on a growing problem facing kashrus agencies throughout the country. The session, sponsored by the Association of Kashrus Organizations (AKO), will seek to find solutions for agencies that have a critical shortage...

AKO Moves to More Training, More Education and More Members

Chicago…With every passing day, the role of the Association of Kashrus Organizations (AKO) takes on more importance, especially as kosher continues its dramatic growth. Its most recent 2022 Va’adim Convention (May 8-10) hosted by Kof-K in Iselin, New Jersey, generated more than 50 pages of notes on a broad range of topics. It was compiled...

Passover 2022 – A Holiday to Remember

New York…For millions of Jews celebrating Passover, it was a holiday like none other. Inflation caused prices to rise as much as 20% over last year in some areas. Food prices in March hit a record increase of 10%, the highest in 41 years, but it was recorded only days before the beginning of the...

Demand for Glatt Kosher Beef Soars in Israel

Tel Aviv…Faced with a chronic shortage of beef, Israel has been searching for new sources that could address the extraordinary spike in demand. About two-thirds of Israeli beef consumption consists of imported frozen beef from such countries as Poland and from several countries in South America. Since 1996, a relaxing of trade restrictions has allowed...

Food industry is unprepared for future freshwater shortages, report finds

“The food industry, which uses over 70% of the world’s freshwater supply, is largely unready for future shortages, according to a new report by sustainability nonprofit Ceres. In Feeding Ourselves Thirsty, the group graded the water scarcity strategies of 38 food and beverage companies on their governance and corporate oversight, risk assessment, reduction targets and...

Food and beverage companies have room to grow on diversity goals, study finds

“…As part of their study, Deloitte and FMI surveyed more than 150 food and beverage companies in March and April 2021, conducted in-depth interviews with 15 industry leaders, and analyzed board diversity data. They found that women and historically marginalized people made up only 35% of the executive boards of food and beverage companies in...

The Chicago Rabbinical Council

2701 W. Howard St.
Chicago, IL 60645

Phone: (773) 465-3900

General Fax: (773) 465-6632
Kashrus Dept. Fax: (773) 465-6929

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