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The cRc is proud to present kashrus videos for your learning enjoyment.
Feel free to browse, learn, and enjoy.

To view the videos from the Kashrus Awareness Project, click here.


Heat Exchangers
Bitul Calculations
Is Keeping Kosher Now Harder Than 50 Years Ago?
Let’s Talk Kashrus Episode 19C Kosher Vitamin Efficiency
Let’s Talk Kashrus Episode 19B A Better Pill to Swallow
Let’s Talk Kashrus Episode 19A Just a Spoonful of Glycerin
cRc Webinar: An Inside Look Into Vegetable Checking
A Look Behind the Scenes with cRc Kosher
Butchering Knives (Meat and Poultry #38)
Cultured Meat (Meat and Poultry #37)
Hidden Issues (Meat and Poultry #36)
American Meat Takanah (Meat and Poultry #35)
Pesach (Meat and Poultry #34)
Shrink Tunnel (Meat and Poultry #33)
Zeroah, Lechayim, and Keivah (Meat and Poultry #32)
Foie Gras (Meat and Poultry #31)
Liver (Meat and Poultry #30)
Shailos in Packaged Chickens (Meat and Poultry #29)
Salting (Meat and Poultry #28)
72-Hour Time Limit (Meat and Poultry #27)
Hooks (Meat and Poultry #26)
Hot Water Before Melichah (Meat and Poultry #25 – Melichah B)
Water Temperatures (Meat and Poultry #24 – Melichah A)
Chutei Dam (חוטי דם) (Meat and Poultry #23)
Skirt Steaks (Meat and Poultry #22)
Ribs (Meat and Poultry #21)
Chailev (חלב) (Meat and Poultry #20)
Introduction to NIkkur (Meat and Poultry #19)

The Chicago Rabbinical Council

2701 W. Howard St.
Chicago, IL 60645

Phone: (773) 465-3900

General Fax: (773) 465-6632
Kashrus Dept. Fax: (773) 465-6929

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